Science for the Win

I am very tired. Not because it is currently 3:34 AM and I’m on a bus to the airport to fly back to Michigan. However, that is a slightly minor contributor to my fatigue. No, I’m tired of the way scientific progress has been hindered by government interference and faulty media coverage. The sheer amount of false balance that the media advocates in “impartial” news reports is sickening. Highly established proofs about climate change, for example, scream with the silenced consensus of “97% of all scientists who agree that global warming is caused by humans”. The fact that people still are on the edge about climate change in spite of such a shocking statistic should be a clear indicaion of bigotry and exploitation of ignorance. I therefore disagree with the views of Chet Raymo because the politics of science are at most peripherary in the large scheme of mankind’s progress. Raymo claims he is looking out for the future of proliferating scientific research, saying that “the unexamined quest for knowledge is hemmed with peril”. However, I believe he is actually part of the problem and that science is being silenced by politics and ethics. Lif shouldn’t be lived in fear of incurable diseases or fear of the next day. They should embrace the work science has done to keep them alive this far.


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