Barbie Girls

Ever see the movie Mean Girls? It's a really funny movie that I think exaggerates how toxic the social hierarchy of high school can be. In the movie, what I find particularly interesting is how the high school's top of the food chain, the cream of the crop, the "plastics", fit the name so well. They embody the ideal body image and do they not look exactly like pretty pink plastic Barbie dolls? Image result for barbie mean girls
Image result for mean girls plastics doing hair
There's a scene where Karen Smith (which by the way is the most basic mass produced name in the world) is on camera as a weatherman and holds her breasts to tell the weather. I always wondered how and why this was included in the movie but it was funny nonetheless. Maybe she implanted a barometer in her breasts similar to those of Barbie's breasts that "are so out of proportion to the rest of her body that she'd fall flat on her face". I think the intention of the directors to include these plastic people is to parody how fake people can be in high school. Karen's breasts are the epitome of perfection because she is a "plastic" and her breasts are therefore magical weather predicting beings. She serves as a model to the rest of the girls in the school, similar to how Barbie dolls seemed to have influenced the beauty standards of girls in the 1950's.


  1. It's also really cool how you put the pictures together of Barbie and Mean Girls and, more importantly, how similar they look to each other. Great Post

  2. I can't believe you actually just said the words "implanted a barometer in her breasts"


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