Grammar Nazis

You learn a lot about a person based on what they say. When speaking, what the person focuses on, how they treat the other end, and how they respond reveals how open or close minded they are, how empathetic they are, and the manner in which they speak also establishes the relationship with the other person. Politically correct language has its perks as being fair and aware of all affected groups in society, but after a certain extent, prioritization of PC language above observance of the actual message one is trying to get across. As Kakutani puts it, it "tends to distract attention from the real problems of prejudice and injustice that exist in society at large", which serves as a reminder to be aware of when PC language is taken too far. The problem with the status quo of PC language, however, is that it's already been taken to the hyperbolic extents, where it's absurd what some people are fighting about (peoplekind vs. mankind), where it's sad and hilarious at the same time. Where we used to have those annoying Grammar Nazis that took things too far, we now have replaced with the Word Police as described by Kakutani.


  1. Very well said Marvin! I completely agree that people get over zealous with political correctness, to a point of being rather stupid. Like Kakutani's example of ovarymony and testimony.

  2. I agree, people's need to try to be correct is over used and generally unnecessary. Nice post!


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