
Showing posts from January, 2018


People with disabilities have it way too hard. Aside from the glaring physical or mental handicap, the emotional effects of disabilities are almost just as painful. This is no thanks to the media, who contribute to their pain by ignoring and out-casting them. They make it socially acceptable and so easy to just ignore the problem and see "through" or "over" these unfortunate souls (Soyster). In reality, it's also just hard to completely relate to people who have to live with the pain forever. And that's the real disability: forever. No going back. No return to the good ole days. No "wheelchair racing, tennis, rugby" (Soyster). One day you're a "quintessential California golden boy" and in the blink of an eye you're stuck in a wheel chair for the rest of your days. Part of the problem is that society hasn't taught us how to deal with "anomalies" like every unique case of disability. Are you supposed to get the doo