
Science was designed to be political. It wouldn't serve any purpose otherwise-just a useless tool for making insignificant discoveries. Of course, scientists don't actually care about finding out the truth; they write research papers to put the bread on the table. Science is meant to be manipulated and changed to support one party's viewpoints. Global warming? Well by my calculations, on January 2nd, 2017, the temperature in the North Pole was indeed colder than that of the scorching villages in Liberia in 2016. Therefore, because science is on my side, your argument is invalid and you are stupid stupid stupid. Science is meant to be the knife that cuts populations into two sides. And when science somehow disagrees with your viewpoints, it means the end of the world for the political platform you stand on, it means the end of the beliefs you believe in. You take it as a personal insult since obviously people only use science as a weapon to shoot you down. When you are a girl transitioning to sexually identify as an Attack Helicopter and I use the wrong pronoun for you, surely I should have known better than to attack you with a micro-aggression. Sorry, my bad. Your biology doesn't matter, only your feelings do. And so we have reached the crux of the societal standard.
Image result for science political cartoon
In the words of Ben Shapiro, "facts don't care about your feelings", you are not the center of the universe. That was disproved by Galileo centuries ago when he shattered the geocentric model of the Earth, when when science was revolutionized to seek the truth, not satisfaction. Nowadays, no discoveries can straddle the fine line between political parties without falling.


  1. Wow Marvin! Although I don't completely agree with you, the way you describe your opinion is very detailed and logical. Your use of outside examples really add to your argument and help emphasize your point. The political cartoon you added is also very funny and refreshing!

  2. I’m a simple man.

    I see Ben Shapiro,

    I like.

  3. I enjoyed the sarcasm in your post very much (at least I hope it was sarcasm). It’s also very interesting to see you insert “political correctness” into your post. Your post also reminded me of the Sokal affair and his paper on “Transgressing the Boundaries: Towards a Transformative Hermeneutics of Quantum Gravity". (

  4. I think that this video is pretty relevant to the point you’ve made Marvin!


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