
"The whole point of this country is if you want to eat garbage, balloon up to 600 pounds and die of a heart attack at 43, you can! You are free to do so. To me, that’s beautiful."-Ron Swanson
Edud Cireneg, an all-american father of three, was recently hospitalized following a heart attack after his 3rd Quadruple Bypass burger at the Heart Attack Grill (real place). In an interview after his surgery, he came to the conclusion that he had never felt more alive. What woke him up from his coma was not the life support, but rather the "realization that he lived in the greatest country in the world." When asked if he had any regrets, he stated that he "felt bad for the suckers who eat salads, exercise, and put their bodies on pedestals. Who really needs the nutrients and nasty taste of expensive vegetables when you can binge on good ole cheap american-made fast food?" For the past 8 years, Mr. Cireneg has been spending his lunch break at the Heart Attack Grill and ordering the same meal, claiming that he's "exercising his rights as an American." After he gets off from work, he typically drives his 13 mpg SUV to a weekly Gun-Rights rally, goes home to beat his wife, and soon falls asleep on the couch, whiskey bottle in hand.
Americans are typically portrayed as obese, materialistic, ignorant people, and for good reason. The obesity rate among the adult population in America is 36.2%, making the US the most obese nation in the world. In my satire, I targeted a general population of America and exposed how ignorant many people are to the immediate issues around them. I like satire because it makes presenting the problem much more subtle and therefore more effective since the audience can notice the irony without me ever explicitly stating the issue.


  1. Wow, Marvin! That was like an article straight out of The Onion. I especially loved that inclusion of a quote from Mr. Cireneg, or Mr. Generic. Great job of applying a satirical tone to your post.


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