You do You

What is it to be successful in America?

People yearn for acceptance. Although people strive everyday to better themselves, it is extremely difficult to transcend this inherent ideology. We focus on self-improvement, yet those goals are shaped solely by society's influence. From birth, the ideal profiles of success are ingrained into our minds by our parents, but vastly more from society. As American citizens, we often imagine true success through a materialistic scope and by how much money one makes; it's the easiest way to quantify success. By flaunting his wealth, Jay Gatsby would surely fall under "successful" through this scope with his extravagant weekend parties as Nick observes how "on weekends his Rolls-Royce became an omnibus, bearing parties to and from the city between nine in the morning and long past midnight" (Fitzgerald 39). More importantly, we are told that we are successful once we make a valuable contribution to society, ultimately pleasing the similar crowd-pleasing citizens of America.
Image result for you get a car gif
Success, however, can only be achieved by accomplishing personal goals. Personal, as in self-motivated, uninterrupted, holy goals. Once outside influences, such as wealth and perception from society, are removed, the ideal meaning of "success" begins to change. Questions such as "Why are others praised more? Why are they happier? Why can't I be like them" change to "What do I value? How can I be happier? Have I accomplished what I want?" It can be extremely hard to remove those outside influences as there seems to be an unmistakable correlation between wealth and America's definition of success. However, I would be a hypocrite to force this ideology upon you, as you would live your life trying to follow my definition of success. Your own definition of success is what truly matters; this is just my sea of thoughts.


  1. It was comical how you connected the name of the blog to your writing. Your definition of success is interesting that people define if they are successful themselves because if that was true nobody would ever be successful, everyone compares themselves to others.


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