Wonder Woman Warrior

I think we can all agree that Fa Mu Lan was the coolest mom ever. I mean the lady literally carried her kid into battle in a sling, slicing and dicing bad guys whilst leading an army of fierce Chinese warriors to instigate a revolution to overthrow the emperor of China. In kindergarten, how many of you could bring in for show and tell the legendary Sky Sword physically controlled by the force of will of your mother? Yeah, didn't think so.
Now obviously this was just a legend, and it is not humanly possible to jump 20 feet in the air, but in a way, Fa Mu Lan can exist as long as people believe in her cause. While there are physical words tattooed onto the Woman Warrior's back, people like Maxine Kingston, who have "many words - 'chink' words and 'gook' words too" (53), use these words to propel them to fight for what they believe is right.
After thousands of years, a new figure of strength for women has recently emerged in theaters in the form of Wonder Woman (link to the trailer here). In the film, despite being initially underestimated as a woman, she proves herself to be a valuable soldier in the ranks of the Allied Powers and eventually brings an end to World War 1. Much like the coolest mom ever, Wonder Woman trains her whole life as a super human that is thrust into battle to save mankind from war. She breaks the conventional sexist Hollywood male dominant gender role, fueling the feminist movement for women everywhere.
Could you imagine what kind of conversation the two would have if they ever met?
Woman Warrior: "Hey that's a cool outfit you have!"
Wonder Woman: "Thanks, I see you have a baby in yours!"
Woman Warrior: "Yeah I keep the dried umbilical cord in a box! Wanna see my sick tats?"
Wonder Woman: "Wow that's so fierce! I was actually made from clay and my dad was Zeus!"
Woman Warrior: "That's awesome! Well, it was nice meeting you Diana!"
Wonder Woman: "You too! Call me up and we can meet over coffee or food or maybe a casual revolution!"
Woman Warrior: "Sounds good!"


  1. Marvin, I love how you connected the Woman Warrior to a modern-day example of someone who defies the gender barrier. Also, the dialogue at the end was a nice and humorous touch. Great job!!


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