What the heck America

"The mistreatment of Native Americans has gone on for too long, has been overlooked, and must be stopped" - Said any remotely decent person with basic human morals ever. What these people rarely ever do, however, is stop and invest just a little bit more time and dig just a little bit deeper to see that their concerns for Indians are as full of compassion and empathy as the vacuum of outer space. It is fake news to say that natives are being treated any better than they have been ever since Columbus found the Americas. If everyone knows that America is pushing natives further into a corner and recognizes that this is extremely morally wrong, why has the status quo of Trump's America, when during his 100 days resumed the unfinished construction of a 1200 mile corporate pipeline straight through the heart of a sacred native american lake, remained the exact same as that of Jackson's America, when he directly rejected protective legislation of Native Americans and proceeded to force them through the bloody Trail of Tears? Do we, as common American citizens, really just "sit down with our hands in (our) pockets, and say that (we) know not what to do" (Thoreau) on purpose out of fear for voicing our opinions? As I sink deeper and deeper under this sea of illogical questions, I have become concerned that I will never find the answers. Maybe there really isn't a reason why we must see natives as lesser even though we are all human. Maybe there really isn't a reason why Trump is more concerned with getting intimate with Putin rather than focusing on better treatment of Native Americans. In an ocean of uncertainty however, one truth that shines through is that our relationship with natives has become a storm that will rain throughout our nation's history, and the thunderous clouds will not clear any time soon so long as our government progresses as it has been since its


  1. Very nice Marvin! I like how you point out the parallels in history, your extended metaphor at the end, and the cartoon you included.

  2. I really like the title and the picture! You explained that things unfortunately haven't really changed much and incorporated the quote well.

  3. Great post Marvin! I really liked your last sentence where you included words correlated to a sea. It really helped to connect your overall blog name to your post. Do you feel that maybe the reason that we as a society treat Native Americans worse than other races is because we are less educated about native americans than other races?

  4. I love the way you started off the post with a quote and placed the metaphor relating to the sea at the end. Your connections back to history are really thoughtful! I agree with your idea that there really isn't a reason we see natives as lesser people. Nicely done!

  5. I like how you related both of the things we talked about in class instead of focusing on just one. The humor in the title and in the beginning of the post makes me want to keep reading, and the metaphor at the end is clever. I think you should have made the picture a little bigger so it would be easier to read. Great post!

  6. I love how this brings to light, in a very blunt and humorous way, how badly Native Americans are treated for truly no good reason. I agree with you that improvements will never be made if this minority will continue to be disregarded. I really enjoy how you brought up current topics, and your own input as well. Really nice work Marvin!!

  7. Very well put together Marvin! I enjoyed reading about your view point and cartoons!

  8. I like the comic and you’re very straight to the point.


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